Another aircraft removed from the fleet early- Vietnamese Carrier, Vietnam Airlines to auction off 11 of their Airbus A321s. This is due to their massive loss of money due to their removal from the Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange and COVID-19. They lost over 216 Million dollars last quarter, putting them at a total debt of 620 Million dollars!
As of now, the carrier has a total of 49 Airbus A321s, with almost half of them currently in storage due to the pandemic. Whilst the registrations of the aircraft is unknown, these A321s have an average age of 9.8 years, which is a good time to auction them off. However it may seem that Vietnam Airlines may be one of the next airlines to bite the dust due to its debt, fret not! Since Vietnam has the IATA Travel Pass, Vietnam's tourism sector should be up and running soon, so Vietnam Airlines will start earning revenue once again!
Do you think Vietnam Airlines made the right choice? Comment below.
Image: Aviation Voice
@2021 Planeopedia
Written by: Sohail Sawlani
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